Hyper Local News Pages

Saturday, June 28, 2008

06/26/08 Himes Is Walking From Greenwich To Bridgeport

Walk in A New Direction Halftime Report
by info@himesforcongress.com

We're just about halfway through with the "Walk in a New Direction" from Greenwich to Bridgeport, and I just popped in our Norwalk office to upload some sights and sounds. Here's Jim at a stop in Darien talking about the walk: ...


Jim Himes Walk Across the District

By Thirdparty

Here in Connecticut, we're just about halfway through with Orange-to-Blue candidate Jim Himes' day-long, 22-mile, "Walk in a New Direction" from Greenwich to Bridgeport, and I just popped in our Norwalk office to upload some sights and ...
Daily Kos - http://www.dailykos.com/section/Diary

06/28/08 Greenwich Time News Links For Saturday

Top Story:

Police are investigating the death of a 14-year-old Chickahominy girl whose family rushed her to the hospital Wednesday night, officials said. The girl died shortly before 6 a.m. Thursday, police said. Greenwich officials have launched an investigation....


Greenwich Police Investigate "Untimely" Death

Police investigate why 14-year-old girl died
Connecticut Post

Please also see Western Middle School Web site

Town gets a bit more powerful

At the start of the summer months, the season when energy use is at its peak, more power is available to Greenwich residents.
Businesses hit by rising gas prices

When Tom Doyle, owner of Springdale Florist and Greenhouses, saw a gas bill of $1,800 for his automobiles in mid-December, he knew he had to change how the shop delivers flowers.

A project that has drawn ire and support from Byram residents and businesses for several years has been given the final nod to proceed by members of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Town prepares Salute to Veterans

Between 500 and 1,000 veterans of the armed forces will gather behind Town Hall tomorrow. The occasion will be the 17th annual Salute to Veterans military appreciation ceremony, which begins at 11...

Greenwich is not "green" enough? A newly established environmental group told members of the Board of Selectmen yesterday that the town could do a better job conserving energy and needs to adopt a broad policy on the subject.


Tranfo buys more of Benedict Place

Please send your comments to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

06/28/08 Greenwich Time Columnist Sarah Littman Goes After Lee Whitnum

In response to MikeCT's rather excellent Voters Guide to Lee Whitnum over at My Left Nutmeg, Looney Lee has taken off all her sock puppets and actually penned a response in her own name.

And what a hilarious response it is.

Of MikeCT she writes:

You will recall that I met you in front of the Civic Center. You were flashily dressed for a picnic and I knew as soon as I looked into your cold eyes that you were hired gun.

Snort! No wonder she had to self-publish her novel...Methinks she should enter the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest (Tag line: "Where WWW means Wretched Writers Welcome") with that surely award-winning entry.

And then, of course, a Loony Lee invective isn't complete without a mention of Yours Truly:

I have a writer's pen name; that is true, but I am not "Masked Man" or any other name. You and Saramerica (a woman in serious need of an exorcism) keep mentioning my family member's name when I've asked you not to. Stop.

She refers, of course, to mentions of the infamous (and most likely fictional) Marianne Cook, Esq, book reviewer, sender of threatening legal missives and now putative family member.

As to the assertion that she is not the sock puppet scribe "Masked Man", the IP logging proves otherwise.

Ah well. Yet another example of Ms. Whitnum hoisting herself on her own petard.

Anyway, "THE POWER OF G-D COMPELS ME" that in order to celebrate Jim Himes' primary victory I'm going to host my very own Exorcism party in Ms. Whitnum's honor.

Please send your comments to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com